Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My Blog

I'm starting this blog for one reason and one reason only, to review video games. Most of my reviews will be on Xbox 360 games because my budget only allows me to play one console at a time. There will be a few PC games for PC games are my first love. There will be ZERO Playstation 3 games because I can't afford a PS3 but donations will be accepted! So basically, I've been unhappy with the reviews some of the other gaming sites are giving some games lately so I decided to start my own, if i can reach out to one person my duty here will be done. I want to keep this blog short because soon there will be a onslaught of reviews from previous games that I have played just to get my blog flowing. I'm not a big corporation or anything like that so I may not be able to get my reviews out on newer games as quickly as they can but most games these days only take a 6 hours or so to finish, I do this in one sitting, so hopefully it won't be more than a few days for a new game review. This blog could be a complete waste of time or a start of a new career either way I will keep blogging.